Enlist - About Us
We believe that Jesus Christ came into the world to reveal the fullness of God's love for us. And we celebrate that love as we receive the good news of God's grace through our praise and prayer, the gathering around table and font as we share in the holy sacraments, our mutual journey of faith and our commitment to the community. |
Encourage - You are Welcome Here
Ours is a welcoming congregation. We invite you to join us, as you are. And we encourage you to take part in the wide range of ministry opportunities offered here. Whether you desire to connect with God in Christ through worship, study, prayer or service, we have something for you. |
Engage - Your Spiritual Journey
Faith does not grow in a vacuum. Getting Engaged, Living Engaged and Staying Engaged are key to a joyful, gracious, generous and purposeful life. We would love to join with you in worship. And we invite you to share in our discipleship and mission programs, becoming a part of our faith community as we seek to meet and share Christ together. |
Mission Statement:
More than a landmark we are evidences of God’s loving Spirit in the center of Springfield. Comforted and challenged by the gospel of Jesus Christ, we strive to be a welcoming community that serves Christ by serving others with grace, hope and joy. At the intersection of faith and life, church and culture, Morris Avenue and Church Mall, we share God’s love through worship, education and ministries of healing, reconciliation and peace. We affirm the worth of all God’s children and seek to nurture each individual along the Way of Christ. Inspired by our heritage, we approach our future with hope and trust in the fulfillment of God’s purpose for this congregation.
News & Events Worship Online, Sundays at 10:15am--on YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCN3n65duhcqjw2zbKBSM6TQ Our worship includes an online format for those unable to attend in person. We live stream via YouTube at 10:15am. To watch past services, click on the date links below: Feb. 2, 2025 - "The Love Boat" - The Rev. Jill Kitsko, Guest Preacher Jan. 26, 2025 - "A New Perspective" - The Rev. Jen Van Zandt Jan. 19, 2025 - Worship with Confirmation - The Rev. Jen Van Zandt Jan. 12, 2025 - "A New Identity" - The Rev. Jen Van Zandt Jan. 5, 2025 - "Home by Another Way" - The Rev. Jen Van Zandt Church Office Hours Our church offices are open September-June 9am-3pm on Mondays through Fridays. (Closed on weekends and Federal Holidays.) July and August, the office is open Mondays-Fridays 9am-Noon. |
The Tower Newsletter
First Presbyterian Church of Springfield
210 Morris Avenue Springfield NJ 07081 Parish House & Office (mailing address) 37 Church Mall Springfield NJ 07081 Phone: 973-379-4320 Fax: 973-379-8883 [email protected] Worship Schedule Sunday: 10:15 AM Special Service Hours for Easter Week and Christmas Eve |